We built consideration and interest for a (virtually) net new bank with a net new product offering amongst a net new group of customers…for only a few bucks.
Changing banks is hard; in fact the thought of it is daunting. Switching over to a bank you’ve likely never heard of, even moreso. Yet after years as a private banking institution, Seattle Bank needed to broaden their consumer base. We had to introduce the brand to a new group of people––“The Financially Free”––that could fuel their future.
The Financially Free were younger and on an upward career trajectory that offered higher household incomes. For this group – their finances tended to be ‘fully allocated’ yet they also didn’t want to miss out on life. Enter Seattle Bank’s Personal Line of Credit––a carrot that the Financially Free could lean into. They just needed to know it was an option.
Instead of talking about investing in ETFs, the stock market, bonds, or hedge funds, we encouraged this group to invest in themselves instead. They have achieved a lot already and they know big things are on the horizon. That’s where a Personal Line of Credit could help. Because it’s truly a PERSONAL line of credit. No matter if they wanted an extended education, a new business venture, or something less tangible like a 6 month trip around the world that gave them a sense of purpose––we encouraged the Financially Free to go ahead, apply for a PLOC and “Go #FundYourself.”
Read article on Little Black Book